Community Education

Baby Think It Over

A program using infant simulators that are lifelike and life-sized with realistic computerized responses, which allow teens to experience some of the demands of infant care.  It is being used by schools and other organizations to help adolescents appreciate the responsibilities involved with parenthood.  The infant simulators are used not only in the schools but by community members, hospitals, and teen parents.

Bullying and Teasing Prevention

A school-based violence prevention program.  For years, we have accepted childhood bullying as a normal part of growing up. However, recent research indicates that children who bully are likely to get into trouble with the law when they become teenagers. Children who are bullied are likely to do less well in school and do become depressed or even suicidal.

The Children’s Task Force sees the prevention of bullying as an important step in preventing child abuse and neglect.

click here for more detail information

Personal Body Safety

A program that introduces children to safe practices in play, at home and in the community that they live in.  Talking about Touching is a Personal Body Safety curriculum that contains a classroom, parent and provider component to ensure consistent information is getting to your child. The program is for two age groups.
School-Based:  This is a weekly ½ hour program presented in the classroom with the teacher present.  The class covers all aspects of safety that a child needs including traffic safety, bike safety, gun safety, the family medicine cabinet, as well prevention of child sexual abuse.  This class if offered free of charge to all schools in Franklin County.

Pre-school Based:  This program is a weekly ½ hour program presented in the childcare setting for children ages 3-5. Children learn all aspects of child safety in an age appropriate manner including traffic safety, bike safety, gun safety, medication safety as well as the prevention of sexual abuse.  While we understand the sensitivity of these issues we also know that children who are educated with overall safety in mind have lower incidences of victimization and greater knowledge of how to keep them safe.

To request this for your classroom, or school please click on the Request Information button to the right.If you are a parent who is interested in a parent night through your local PTA/PTO or other group please call so we can discuss how to provide what you will need.

Professional Trainings

Professional Trainings are provided by our trained staff on:

Mandated Reporter Training Details

To request more information about any of these programs or schedule a training for your organization click the request information button or call 778-6960

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