Raising awareness is a critical and foundational step in preventing child abuse. When we take action, children are safer and have the opportunity to grow up healthy and strong. Child Abuse Prevention Month is our opportunity to build support for what we know must happen year- round: supporting parents and caregivers and building the relationships and connections in communities so that families can readily access what they need to help every child. The more we can show each individual they are a pivotal part of preventing child abuse and neglect and how they can show their support, the more people will understand how prevention works in their communities. Individuals, organizations, and communities – it takes all of us working together to build well-being for children and families. We all want to live in a community where families thrive and we know that takes each of us. We are proud to stand with so many across Maine for this vital effort.
We’re bringing awareness that healthy child development is the foundation for strong economic and community development. Anything you do to support kids and parents helps reduce the stress that often leads to abuse and neglect. The Children’s Task Force is Franklin County’s child abuse prevention council which sponsors educational programs and events to increase public awareness.
We know that one entity alone cannot solve child abuse and neglect. It takes all of us to actively ensure Maine communities are a place where children thrive. This campaign supports our dedicated network of local prevention programs and staff across the state, the Maine Prevention Councils and the Maine Families Home Visiting Program. We are excited to expand our network of support with participating state leaders in the Partner in Prevention initiative. A public awareness effort, this initiative is intended to engage statewide organizations, businesses, and associations to use their influence and platforms to amplify the message that Supportive Communities & Strong Families Prevent Child Abuse & Neglect
Key Messaging & Campaign Goals
Child Abuse Prevention Month is a great opportunity to highlight that the whole community is needed to prevent child abuse and neglect. Our key message this year is Supportive Communities and Strong Families Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect. The campaign goals are to build support and partnerships, educate for action, connect to local prevention efforts, and message best practices.